======= py.io ======= The 'py' lib provides helper classes for capturing IO during execution of a program. IO Capturing examples =============================================== ``py.io.StdCapture`` --------------------------- Basic Example:: >>> import py >>> capture = py.io.StdCapture() >>> print "hello" >>> out,err = capture.reset() >>> out.strip() == "hello" True For calling functions you may use a shortcut:: >>> import py >>> def f(): print "hello" >>> res, out, err = py.io.StdCapture.call(f) >>> out.strip() == "hello" True ``py.io.StdCaptureFD`` --------------------------- If you also want to capture writes to the stdout/stderr filedescriptors you may invoke:: >>> import py, sys >>> capture = py.io.StdCaptureFD(out=False, in_=False) >>> sys.stderr.write("world") >>> out,err = capture.reset() >>> err 'world' py.io object reference ============================ .. autoclass:: py.io.StdCaptureFD :members: :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: py.io.StdCapture :members: :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: py.io.TerminalWriter :members: :inherited-members: